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Hima Das inducted as Deputy Superintendent of Assam Police

Deputy Superintendent of Assam Police Hima Das
Deputy Superintendent of Assam Police Hima Das

GUWAHATI: Star sprinter Hima Das

 was on Friday inducted as Deputy Superintendent of Assam Police in the presence of chief minister Sarbananda Sonowal

 and described the moment as a childhood dream coming true. 

Hima was handed the appointment letter by Sonowal, also a former Union Sports Minister, at a ceremony attended by the top functionaries of the state government as well as from the police department, including the Director General of police.

Addressing the gathering after her induction as DSP, the 21-year-old Hima revealed that she had dreamt of becoming a police officer when she was young.

“People here know and I am not going to say anything different. Since my early school days, I harboured a wish to become a police officer one day and my mother also wished that.

“She would buy a gun (toy) during Durga Puja (a norm among kids in this part of the world during the festival), my mother would tell me to work in Assam police, serve the people and become a good person.”