Webinar of MSME DI, Cuttack on Oxygen Enrichment Unit developed by CSIR-CMERI

In a series of webinars for dissemination of awareness on the Oxygen Enrichment Unit developed by CSIR-CMERI to the MSMEs and other entrepreneurs, MSME DI, Cuttack conducted a webinar on 30.04.2021 amidst the crisis of Oxygen. Prof. (Dr.) Harish Hirani, Director, CSIR-CMERI delivered the key address in the seminar. Mr. Pawan Gupta, Director, MSME, Cuttack and Mr. S. K. Sahu, Asstt. Director also participated in the above webinar together with participating a number of MSMEs, Entrepreneurs and Start-ups across the Odisha region.
Prof. Harish Hirani, Director, CSIR-CMERI, while interacting with the MSME representatives shared that the MSMEs of the Nation will be playing a decisive factor in tackling the COVID 19 battle. COVID may impair the lungs to great extent and this impairment can be rectified by Oxygen Therapy. To properly tackle and control the Oxygen crisis, the CSIR-CMERI developed Oxygen Enrichment Unit (OEU) can provide a veritable solution. Besides, even in a Post-COVID scenario, the Oxygen Enrichment Units can be game-changer for ailing aged persons as well as Therapeutic Usage of Oxygen, because it helps in de-toxification. Since, the OEU might be an essential equipment of the future, the Cost of the device needs to be optimised and indigenised manufacturing needs to be boosted. The CSIR-CMERI OEU has been developed with a Simple Architecture and Design Philosophy built with easily available Raw Materials. If innovatively used by the MSMEs, a Single Air Compressor strategically placed outside the room can help serve 4-6 patients at one go. The technology can also be customised as per the requirements of the situation.
CSIR-CMERI commits to provide all sorts of assistance to the MSME partners in terms of Technical Training and Raw Materials sourcing. A virtual meeting would also be arranged post Technology Transfer for Maintenance and Trouble Shooting. The Royalty of 6% may also be completely waived-off, keeping in mind the COVID situation, if applied by the concerned MSME.
Mr. Gupta, Director, MSME, DI, Cuttack hoped that the country’s dependency would definitely come down considerably with the development of Oxygen Enrichment Unit by CSIR-CMERI. He made a call to all the MSMEs and entrepreneurs to take the advantage from the technology of the device from the Institute. He also requested CSIR-CMERI to come forward and share more and more Institute developed technologies with them for its wider dissemination to the entrepreneurs which may help into employment generation as well as import substitution and above all for the benefits of the common men.
Mr. S. K. Sahu, Asstt. Director, MSME, DI, Cuttack welcoming all the participants in the webinar expressed that he appreciates the commendable efforts of CSIR-CMERI for developing such a miniature device which is presently required at every household. He also assured that MSME, Cuttack would provide every possible support to the MSEs and entrepreneurs through the available avenues of the Government of India schemes for the entrepreneurs.
All the MSMEs and other entrepreneurs attending the webinar were keenly interested about the CSIR-CMERI developed OEU and were eager to know the detail of the technology, its cost aspects, capital and finance required to start production, statutory requirement towards testing of the technology, how to start up the fabrication immediately, their prospective competition from the large businesses etc. Director, CSIR-CMERI and Director, MSME DI, Cuttack provided their guidance to these queries and assured for further support to the prospective entrepreneurs in their endeavours.