First Vaccination Camp for administering COVISHIELD vaccine organized at Labour Bureau, Chandigarh

Labour Bureau, Chandigarh organized first Vaccination Camp for administering COVISHIELD vaccine for persons in the age group 45 years and abovein itscampus today. In this camp, 30 persons were administered vaccination which included officials from Labour Bureau/Pay & Accounts Office, Labour Bureau and Chief labour Commissioner (Central), Chandigarh and their family members. The camp was organized in collaboration with Health Department of Chandigarh which deputed a dedicated team of health workers tocarry out vaccination drive under the overall supervision of a Doctor deputed with this team.
Appealing to all Labour Bureau fraternity to get themselves vaccinated along with their family members, Shri D.P.S. Negi, Director General, Labour Bureau emphasized the importance of this vaccination drive and informed that this vaccine is not only meant to protect an individual but also to make sure that the individual is not in the path of transmission of infection in future. He emphasized that when one takes the vaccine jab, he not only protectshimself but also hisfamily members from this deadly virus and the resultant confidence helps in discharging officials duties with more dedication. Shri Negi also alleyed apprehensions about the cynicism of this vaccine and told that getting vaccination is a big social cause, as it will suppress the chain of transmission, which is a need of the hour.