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Uttar Pradesh / Varanasi : Ambulance was shaking on the road … When in doubt, the police saw the senses flew, 4 arrests in objectionable condition

The police have arrested four youths celebrating the ambulances of the ambulance in Sujabad of Ramnagar police station area of ​​Varanasi. The police have taken this action after a complaint from the local people.

  • Police caught red-handed celebrating four people in an ambulance
  • When people peeped into the ambulance, their senses flew away
  • The ambulance belongs to a private hospital in Manduwadih area of Varanasi.

The police have caught four people, who are celebrating extortion in an ambulance in the midst of Corona crisis in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. The shameful case is of Sujabad area of ​​Ramnagar police station area of ​​Varanasi. At present, the police have sealed the ambulance in this case and have registered a case on the young men and women involved in the incident and sent them to jail.

According to the information, on Friday evening, when the people of the area saw the long standing ambulance moving in front of Sujabad outpost, they suspected of having a patient in the ambulance. But even after a long time, the ambulance did not go from there, then people came to see the ambulance shaking in anticipation of something untoward. When people peeped into the ambulance, their senses flew away.

Ambulance sealed

The local people saw 3 young men and 1 young woman in an ambulance in an ambulance. After which people gave their information to the police post. After which the police reached the spot and brought the young girls, who were celebrating the activities in the ambulance, to the police station. Speaking to NBT Online, Ramnagar Police Station Ved Prakash Rai said that the youths found in an ambulance in an objectionable condition have been sent to jail after filing a case under relevant sections. With this, the ambulance has also been sealed.

Ambulance of private hospital

According to the police, the ambulance is from a private hospital in Manduwadih area of Varanasi. Which was hired by a person from Lanka. From this ambulance, this man used to carry the patients.