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India will soon get single dose vaccine Sputnik light, second batch of Russian vaccine also arrived

The maximum retail price for a single dose of this vaccine is Rs 948, which will attract a GST of 5 per cent. That is, one dose of the vaccine will fall in about one thousand rupees.

  • Sputnik-V’s second shipment reached Telangana
  • First dose was started in Hyderabad on Friday

Corona infection has wreaked havoc across the country. However, for the last few days, there is a decrease in daily cases. At the same time, vaccination campaign is also going on fast in the country. Meanwhile, the second consignment of Russian vaccine Sputnik-V has also reached India. The second batch of Sputnik V has reached India in Telangana on Sunday. Let us know that along with Kovishield and Kovaxin, now the dose of Russian vaccine Sputnik V has also started in India. The first dose has been put in Hyderabad on Friday. Russian Ambassador to India N. Kudashev says, “Sputnik V is a Russian-Indian vaccine. We expect its production in India to be gradually increased to 850 million doses per year. Soon to introduce the single-dose vaccine Sputnik Lite in India. Plan to do.

He said that the effectiveness of Sputnik V is famous in the world. In Russia, it has been successfully used to vaccinate citizens since the second half of 2020. Russian experts announced that it is also effective against the new COVID-19 strain. One dose is about 1000 rupees, see- Who took the first shot. Sputnik’s first dose in India is to make two doses of this vaccine. Is important. According to the information, the maximum retail price for a single dose of this vaccine is Rs 948, on which a GST of 5 percent will be levied. That is, one dose of the vaccine will fall in about one thousand rupees. At the same time, Friday was very important for India fighting in the battle with Corona as the third vaccine started in the country. The dose of Russian vaccine Sputnik V has started in India and the first dose has been introduced in Hyderabad. Doctor Deepak Sapra took the first dose of it. Dr. Sapra said that by the second-third week of June, it will be available in large quantities in India. So far, more than 18.22 crore vaccination in the country till now.

The Union Health Ministry said on Saturday that so far in the country 18,21,99,668 doses of anti-COVID vaccine have been given. The ministry said that 17,14,247 doses of the vaccine were given on the 120th day of the vaccination campaign on Saturday. This includes 11.19 lakh beneficiaries taking the first dose and 5.95 lakh beneficiaries taking the second dose. Out of the total doses of COVID vaccine given so far, 96.42 lakh health workers have been given the first dose of vaccine and 66.41 lakh health workers have been given the second dose.