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When will the war between Israel and Palestine end? EU has issued a meeting

Brussels : The EU foreign minister is meeting to discuss how to use the political clout of the 27-nation union to help in diplomatic efforts to end the fighting between the Israeli armed forces and Palestinian militants. The EU has united over its call for a ceasefire and the need for a political solution to end the latest conflict, but nations are divided on how best to help. It has been two weeks of struggle. There is no possibility of any concrete decision in the ministers’ video-conference involving threats of sanctions or other measures. Gaza’s health ministry said at least 212 Palestinians have been killed in heavy air strikes so far, including 61 children and more than 1,400 people have been injured. Ten people have been killed in Israel, including a 5-year-old boy in rocket attacks toward civilian areas in Israel. Israel carried out airstrikes on terrorist targets in Gaza, in which a six-story building in Gaza City was demolished and Palestinian militants fired dozens of rockets into Israel in the early hours of Tuesday. European Commission spokesman Peter Stano said the purpose of Tuesday’s meeting is to find out how well the European Union can contribute to reduce tensions, curb tensions and prevent ongoing violence.