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Bihar / Bhagalpur : ASP hoists pistol,take policemen class

In Bhagalpur, Bihar, an IPS officer had to throw out his service revolver to follow the lockdown. In fact, the SSP had come out to take stock of the lockdown in the area and many policemen could not recognize him in civil dress. He fiercely set up a class of resting policemen.

ASP Pooran Jha was to take stock of how the lockdown imposed in the state is being followed to prevent global epidemic corona infection. He set out on a motorcycle in a civil dress with one of his colleagues. Then wherever policemen and lockdown violations were shown on the way, they started everyone’s class.

He saw policemen resting at Manali Chowk in Bhagalpur. Due to which their mercury went up and they fiercely reprimanded the policemen present on the spot. He was made aware of his duty, after which IPS officers arrived in different mohallas of Bhagalpur urban area to know the status of lockdown.

Meanwhile, on reaching Mayaganj Mohalla of Bari police station area, when the City ASP tried to explain the protocol of Covid-19 to the youths who were fighting in the locality, some youth started trying to misbehave with the IPS officer in civil dress. After this, Puran Jha had to wave the pistol in his hand.