Uttar Pradesh / Mathura : Beautiful presentation of Odissi dance through ICCR

Kunjalata Mishra has been continuously promoting Odissi dance for 30 years
Dance is such a beautiful medium or an instrument through which we can directly establish our relationship with God. A beautiful presentation was made by social media under Horizon series through the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, Lucknow, under this series, the famous Odissi dancer of Vrindavan, Mrs. Kunjlata Mishra made a lot of headlines on social media with her wonderful performance.
Odissi dance is a dance form that was used by the devadasis in the Jagannath temple in ancient times. At the same time, this dance has been made possible by different gurus to spread it around the world.
Kunjalata Mishra is also the best artist of this category. Kunjlata Mishra grew up in Jajpur, Odisha. She studied dance from Shri Guru Durgacharan Ranvir and Pitambar Vishwas, after obtaining MA Alankar from Utkal Music College and M.Phil degree from Agra University, Agra.
It is a matter of time when she came to Vrindavan with her Guru and was so impressed by seeing the gorgeous, beautiful environment of Vrindavan that she dedicated her heart here to God and to the divine Lilabhoomi of God. Its arguments settled in Vrindavan and remained here. He was married to Guru Sri Pratap Narayan Behera. Odissi has been continuously promoting dance for almost 30 years, living in Vrindavan and efforts are being made to educate many students with this education.
He has received countless honors, including Prabhu, Meerabai Award, Jaydev Award, Kala Ratna Award, Meghashyam Award, along with National HRD Scholarship, also being ICCR’s Impulse Artis and Doordarshan’s Relationship Artis Are also. She is a very beautiful Odissi dancer famous all over the world. Those who have got the opportunity to perform their dances in many popular and famous events like Saifai Festival, Puri Beach Festabil, Taj Mahotsav, Jhansi Festival.
ICCR The first presentation was conducted with Mangalacharan. Mangalacharan is done by remembering God before performing any dance and receiving his blessings. Guru Durga Charan Ranveer performed this beautiful dance composition based on “Shreebhaje Vrajekamandalam” composed by Adishankaracharya.
After this, the next presentation was from Kirvani Pallavi, Pallavi means to grow, to blossom, just as a bud turns into a flower, similarly in this dance the dancers dance from beginning to end in their different forms through dance postures, It develops dance through breaches, being in the Raga Kirwani, it is called Kirwani Pallavi. Simultaneously, Mrs. Kunjlata Mishra made her next performance as Navaras by acting, Navaras i.e. nine rasas in dance postures. In this dance, among the nine rasas, Shringar rasa, Veer rasa, Karun rasa, wonderful rasa, laughter rasa, fear, vibhatsa, raudra and calm rasa, these nine rasas were presented by Mrs. Kunjlata Mishra in a beautiful dance.
After this program, Shri Ram’s pastimes were performed, in which how Sri Ram performed the adornments of Shringar Ras with Mother Sita in Dandakanday, after that how did he break the bow of Shiva, how did he make bridges, how? He was saddened when he left Jatayu’s body. In this way, the nine juices were given a soulful presentation through different pastimes.
The salvation was presented at the end of the program, every event in life has its end, with salvation, that is, getting absorbed in God is considered to be salvation. Because Odissi dance is performed to the delight of Lord Shri Jagannath Dev, hence the meaning of salvation here is also the medium of devotion. The program ended with a dance performance dedicated to Lord Jagannath, Moksha. The beautiful presentation of the event was made through the Council of Cultural Relations of India, Lucknow, the work of making this program accessible to the people through social media. PK by Gupta The studio team and Sunil Sharma were done under the direction of a journalist. This program was conducted by Chandramukhi Mulund.