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Uttar Pradesh : The purpose of celebrating World Environment Day is to create awareness and protect the environment – Dr.Jain

Lucknow : World Environment Day was organized by the Faculty of Paramedical Sciences at King George’s Medical University on Saturday through online medium. The theme of this year is ecosystem restoration, also called ecosystem restoration. Simply put, it means bringing the earth in a good state once again. On this occasion, the Dean of the Faculty of Paramedical Sciences and Prof. Dr. Vinod Jain said that the purpose of celebrating this day is to spread awareness among the people about the environment and to keep the environment safe. Many unusual and unprecedented changes are being seen in the environment for the last few years. These changes are badly affecting the major components of nature, water, forest, land and the entire atmosphere. This side effect is so intense that due to which the existence of the earth and its atmosphere and the entire living world is threatened. He told about 3 special points to improve the environment – Reimagine, Recreate, Restore and he told that about 400 plants were planted by Paramedical students. On this occasion, Paramedical students by Vivek Gupta, Faculty of Paramedical Sciences He told that due to imbalance in nature, the existence of living beings can come in danger, he said that the water level of many lakes and rivers like Chilka Lake is increasing, which is a danger sign. Therefore, the environment should be kept safe and the laws made for it should be followed. The program was conducted by Sonia Shukla under the aegis of Dr. Vinod Jain, Vinu Dubey, Raghavendra Sharma, Prahlad Maurya and Shivangam Giri had a special contribution in the successful operation.