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Crack down on china

In the G-7 group conference of the world’s rich countries held after two years in the midst of the worldwide corona epidemic, it has been agreed that joint efforts will be made to overcome the corona crisis in the world. Along with this, it was also agreed to curb China’s autocratic imperialism and bring out the truth of Corona’s origin. This group of developed countries like America, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Japan, with a pledge to give one billion vaccines to poor countries, accepted that only after overcoming this crisis in the world, the global economy will be able to get back on track. . However, there was enthusiasm in the countries of the organization that America’s activism has increased again. US President Joe Biden arrived in Britain to attend the G-7 summit on his first foreign trip. The conference concluded with the decision to intensify vaccination against the corona virus, to contribute a large amount to prevent climate change, and to increase technical cooperation. Indeed, the summit is being seen as a sign of a major change in international diplomacy, as Joe Biden will meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva on Wednesday after attending a meeting at NATO headquarters in Brussels. However, preparations were made to surround China on many issues in the conference. China has been criticized for human rights violations in Xinjiang province and Hong Kong from the origin of the corona virus. Today, when China’s role in spreading the corona virus is being seen as suspicious all over the world, a new study was demanded in the conference to find out the origin of the virus. The organization demanded that the experts of the World Health Organization renew a science-based transparent investigation to find out the origin of the virus. Now the Director General of WHO is also agreeing to move towards the second phase of the investigation.

On the other hand, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually participated in the G-7 conference and gave the mantra of ‘One Earth, One Health’. Addressing the future health challenges through the slogan One Prithvi, One Health, with the aim of emphasizing on devising strategies to deal with the threat of future pandemics. For this, the need for necessary coordination between global solidarity and leadership was emphasized, which also concludes that no single country can fight the epidemics. Some developed countries also supported the Prime Minister’s proposal. There is no doubt that questions have been raised about the role of global institutions in the Corona crisis, which has dashed the hopes of poor and developing countries. In particular, the appeal made by India and South Africa to the World Trade Organization for patenting the corona vaccine was not taken seriously. On the other hand, due to non-availability of raw material used in the manufacture of vaccine to a large vaccine producing country like India, there is delay in getting the vaccine to poor countries. The Prime Minister tried to draw the world’s attention to these shortcomings of global institutions, due to which the poor and developing countries of the world faced the Corona crisis with limited medical resources. Undoubtedly, such epidemics cannot be fought without the solidarity of the world. Apart from this, the G-7 countries in the conference emphasized solidarity to counter China’s immoral economic activities, for which the market-directed economy of China was emphasized on ethical and values-based economic policies, which are fair and transparent. be. In fact, there was talk of bringing a US-backed ‘Build Back Better World’ plan to counter China’s ‘One Belt, One Road’ ie BRI plan, which could help curb China’s economic imperialism.