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BCB fines Shabbir and Sultan for racial remarks

The Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) has fined the Legends of Roopganj cricketer Shabbir Rahman and Sheikh Jamal Dhanmandi club manager Sultan Mahmood with a fine of 50,000 Bangladeshi Tk for making racial remarks during a DPL (Dhaka Premier League) match.

In fact, Sheikh Jamal had filed an official complaint with the Dhaka Metropolitan Cricket Committee (CCDM), the BCB wing that organizes various club-based tournaments in Dhaka, for making racial remarks against Shabbir towards his player Elias Sunny.

The Technical Committee of the CCDM today held a virtual hearing with the players, club officials and match officials involved in the matter and decided to impose fines on Shabbir and Sultan. Also issued a warning to Elias.

Shabbir was accused of throwing bricks at Elias from outside the ground for no reason and using abusive and racial language towards him during a match against Old DOHS Club at Bangladesh Krida Shikha Pratishthan (BKSP) 3.

It is understood that getting into controversies with Shabbir is not a new thing. Recently he was banned for six months for abusing a fan on social media. Shabbir also lost his national contract in 2018 for beating a fan during a first-class match. Apart from this, half of his BPL salary was also deducted in 2015. He was also accused of being under discipline in the team hotel.