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Uttarakhand / Haridwar : Ravish distributed ration to the needy

Congress workers distributed ration to the needy people on the occasion of the birthday of former Indian National Congress President Rahul Gandhi. During the distribution of ration, former city president of Youth Congress Ravish Bhatija said that due to Kovid curfew implemented due to Corona epidemic, those employed by employing wages, auto rickshaws, street vendors etc. on daily basis are facing lot of difficulties. Haridwar is a major center of religious tourism. But due to the non-availability of tourists due to Kovid curfew, all the means of employment including business are stalled. In such a situation, the needy are being helped by distributing ration. Ravish said that the Congress party has always contributed in the service of the society in any crisis that comes upon the country. Congress workers have been continuously helping the needy since the start of the Corona epidemic last year. He said that Rahul Gandhi is constantly alerting the government about Corona. As a visionary leader, Rahul Gandhi is fast making a place in Indian politics. Under his leadership, the Congress will win a massive victory in the next Lok Sabha elections. Vishrant Sharma, Ravindra Negi were present on this occasion.