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Mixing two vaccines can increase immunity: Guleria

More data needed before final decision: AIIMS Chief

AIIMS Chief Dr Randeep Guleria has given a big statement amid fears that the vaccine will be ineffective on different and powerful variants of the corona virus. Dr Guleria said that possibly mixing two different vaccine doses of COVID can increase its effect and it can be effective in fighting different variants.

AIIMS chief Dr. Guleria said that by mixing the two vaccines of Corona, there is a definite possibility that it will be effective in preventing more infectious variants like Delta and Delta Plus. However, he also said that more data is still needed before any decision can be taken. Last month, the government had mentioned under its new vaccine policy that now research will be done on giving doses of two different vaccines. Dr Guleria said, “Preliminary studies suggest that this may be an option, but we need more data.” Which two vaccines will give good results by mixing it is a matter of research, but there is a definite possibility of increasing this.

Last week, research was done in Britain to combine two doses of the vaccine. According to this research published in The Lancet, participants were first given a dose of AstraZeneca (CoviShield) and then a dose of Pfizer, which has not yet arrived in India. Mild side effects were observed in people after taking the vaccine. However, data is yet to come about how much the effect of the vaccine increased due to this.

Dr Guleria also ruled out the possibility of the vaccine against the Delta Plus variant being ineffective. He said that more data is still needed to prove that the mutated strain has the ability to neutralize the vaccine. He emphasized the importance of vaccination, saying that if you have taken both doses and come in contact with the virus, you may become infected but its severity will be very less. The Central Government has told on Friday itself that there are 48 cases of Delta Plus variants in 11 states of the country. It is believed that due to Delta Plus, the third wave of corona can come in India. However, Dr Guleria said that the third wave of corona is less likely to be as dangerous as the second.