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Water logging in Patna due to rain, water entered the Deputy Chief Minister’s residence

The Bihar government may have claimed a solution to the problem of water logging before the monsoon, but due to the monsoon rains, once again the situation of water logging in the capital Patna has arisen. Water logging situation has arisen in many areas of the capital. The situation is that water has also accumulated in the Bihar Legislature and the Deputy Chief Minister’s residence.

Dark clouds rained heavily in Patna last night. It is raining intermittently in many areas of Bihar. Due to the rains, drain water is flowing on the roads in many areas of the capital.
The Bihar assembly complex was also seen submerged after this rain. Water has entered the premises of Deputy Chief Minister Renu Devi’s residence. Many roads were also seen full of water.

Water is still stagnant in the low-lying area of ​​the capital Patna. Water has accumulated in the localities of Kankarbagh, Patliputra, Digha, Rajiv Nagar, Rajendra Nagar, due to which people are facing problems.

It is noteworthy that Deputy Chief Minister Tarkishore Prasad had visited several areas in the past and had seen the drainage system and while giving necessary instructions to the officials, claimed that this year the water logging situation would be dealt with soon. The Meteorological Department has predicted rain in many areas of the state during the next 24 hours.