Government should compensate

The stand of the Central Government on the question of providing assistance to the families of the victims of the Corona epidemic is astonishing. At first he said that it was not his power to bear such a huge expenditure. Later, while clarifying this, the government accepted that the problem was not of paucity of resources. She has the money, but she wants to use it to repair health infrastructure, ensure uninterrupted supplies of oxygen and vaccines, and accelerate the economy. Who can deny the importance of objectives like strengthening the health infrastructure and bringing the economy back on track, this work must be among the priorities of the government, but the question does arise on the assumption that it is indicating that if Corona If help is given to the needy families of the victims, then the government will not be able to work on these big objectives. Keep in mind that in case of deaths due to corona, a proposal to give compensation of Rs 4 lakh per family to the families concerned is under consideration. It has also been said that if it is too much, then the government should give some amount from its side, so that these families can be helped and there is no unbearable burden on them. The government has also said that it is considering how much the amount should be. Till then, if we consider Rs 4 lakh as final and consider the number of deaths due to corona as five lakh – although officially at present this figure is less than four lakh – even then the amount is Rs 20,000 crore. This is one thousandth of one percent of the country’s GDP. It is ridiculous to say that the government cannot bear the burden of such a huge expenditure. It would also not be logical to assume that this amount given as help will go into the water and will not contribute to building the economy. The families to whom this help reaches, they will definitely spend this amount, which will create demand in the market. This stock is not going to get affected by the ups and downs of the market. In other words, what one department of the government is considering as compensation, another department can see it as an economic package. Anyway, whether to give any help from the government to the population suffering from the epidemic is a purely political question. It has also become an important responsibility of the political leadership today to determine the extent to which the general criteria for financial discipline are to be recognized or rejected in the current era of extraordinary challenges.