Uttarakhand / Rishikesh : Congress’s performance against inflation and corruption

Demand for a CBI inquiry into the fake COVID investigation scam in Kumbh
The Congress on Sunday held demonstrations at various places against the BJP government in protest against inflation and corruption. The protesters raised the demand for curbing rising inflation and corruption. Also raised the issue of getting a CBI inquiry into the fake COVID investigation scam in Kumbh. On Sunday, Congress workers demonstrated against the government by burning an effigy in front of the Congress Bhawan on the railway route. Congress state general secretary Vijay Saraswat said that scams and scams are increasing under the rule of the BJP government. Corona infection has increased in the country due to the fake COVID investigation scam in Kumbh, a symbol of faith of crores of countrymen. Said that the name of a big BJP leader has come up in the library scam. With this, all the poles have now been exposed in front of the public. People will work to uproot BJP from the root in the upcoming elections.
State General Secretary Rajpal Kharola said that this government is engaged in looting the public in every way. Everything including petrol, diesel, food items has become expensive. People are suffering from inflation. Said that the BJP government is the government of the capitalists. It has nothing to do with poor people. State Secretary Madan Mohan Sharma said that the government is engaged in exploiting the public by wrongly benefiting the capitalists. Metropolitan President Mahant Vinay Saraswat, Mahila Congress City President Saroj Devradi, Lalit Mohan Mishra, Ramkumar Bhartolia, Sudhir Rai, Councilor Bhagwan Singh Panwar, Deepak Dhamanda, Nandkishore Jatav, Abhishek Sharma, Hukam Pokhriyal, Rajendra Jatav, Kamlesh Sharma, Ashok Sharma, Vishnu Kumar, Vikram Bhandari, Sanjay Tandon, Sachin, Pratiksha etc. were involved.
On the other hand, in Munikireti, Congressmen have demonstrated against the government. City president Anil Rawat, Dinesh Saklani, Govind Ram Raturi, Dinesh Bhatt, Jairam Semwal, Ashish Srivastava, Rohit Chauhan, Mahavir Chauhan, Bijendra Payal, Santosh Panuli, Mukesh Chauhan, Mohit Chauhan, Shivam Bhatt, Sarvendra Kandiyal, Sandeep Bhandari, Saurav Bijalvan, Saurav Pokhriyal, Parvat Bahguna, Gurdeep Panwar etc. were included.
Appropriate action should be taken against the corrupt
Congressmen demonstrated by burning effigies in Swargashram. Nagar Panchayat President Madhav Agrawal said that appropriate action should be taken by conducting a CBI inquiry in corruption cases. City Congress Committee President Adesh Tomar, Yukneshwar Assembly Vice President Ankit Gupta, Tribhuvan, State Secretary Mahila Congress Parvati Negi, State Vice President Safai Mazdoor Congress Sangh Shivcharan, Yuk City President Rishabh Agarwal, Chetan Chauhan, Pramod Chauhan, Vinod Jethudi, Sandeep Kumar, Amit Jha, Mukesh Yadav etc. were involved.
Scam should be investigated by retired judge
Doiwala : In Doiwala, Congressmen demonstrated against the state government and burnt effigies. Congress District President Gaurav Singh Chaudhary said that the investigation of fake COVID investigation scam in Kumbh should be done by a retired judge. Among those who demonstrated were Block President Mohit Negi, Ranjit Singh, City President Rajveer Khatri, Bharat Bhushan Kaushal, Nagendra Singh, Jaswant Singh, Jaspal Singh, Ajay Rawat, Naveen Mishra etc.