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Uttarakhand : Senior journalist made new disclosure in Kumbh Corona test scam

Allegation of changing the date of tender by overwriting

Haridwar : New revelations are being made every now and then in the well-known Kumbh Corona Test scam. A senior journalist resident of Dehradun has made many revelations in the Kumbh Corona Test scam in Haridwar. Journalist Subhash Sharma held a press conference at Haridwar Press Club and alleged that the tender was held on 12 March 2021 with the Mela Administration and Max Corporate Services Company. But overwriting in the contract paper was done on 12 March to 12 January. It also has the signature of Kumbh Meladhikari Health. Subhash Sharma told that he has also presented the documents related to this to the CDO. Talking to reporters, Subhash Sharma said that Max Corporate Company used the name of the famous Max Company. After receiving the tender, Max entrusted the work of corona testing to Lalchandani and Nalwa Lab. Nalwa Lab also got the devotees coming to the fair tested by a third company Delphia. Whereas this company does not have any license to conduct corona tests. The big leaders and ministers with whom Sharat Pant, the owner of Max Company, have been photographed and posted on social media, those leaders have also remained silent in the matter. He has handed over many documents related to this scam to Haridwar CDO. He is sure that the investigation will go in the right direction. Subhash Sharma alleged that the officer posted in the secretariat also has an important role in this case, he should also be investigated. Subhash Sharma has demanded that the culprits who play with the lives of the devotees visiting the Kumbh Mela should not be spared at all, strict action should be taken against the culprits.