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Uttarakhand / Haridwar : Everyone should come forward to stop drug trade: Khatri

The President of Jan Sangharsh Morcha and social worker Gulshan Khatri expressed concern over the illegal narcotics business of ganja, charas, liquor, smack etc. running in the street of Dharmanagari, to save the young generation from this, public representatives, social organizations and common people. Organized and appealed to protest. In a statement issued to the press, Gulshan Khatri has said that the future of the younger generation is getting dark due to the illegal drug business going on in the street in Haridwar. Due to the easy availability of drugs in the vicinity, the youth is constantly falling prey to drug addiction. The city is drowning in the lap of drugs and the local public representatives, opposition, society and social organizations are all sitting silent. Silence on illegal drug trade is an indicator of dire consequences in future. On whose shoulders it is the responsibility of grooming the future of society and youth power and society. Somewhere this business is protected by the same people. Due to which the drug business is flourishing uninterruptedly despite the arrest of drug dealers in police action every day. He said that if the drug trade is not organized and opposed, then one day the stories of Haridwar will be heard on the lines of Udta Punjab. That is why everyone should come forward and oppose the illegal business of drugs. Jan Sangharsh Morcha is ready to play a leading role in the struggle against this business and the white collar who patronize it.