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Uttarakhand / Haridwar : Workers of Bharatiya Hindu Vahini and Savak Manch distributed ration

During the Corona period, the workers of Indian Hindu Vahini and Savak Manch, who were continuously helping the needy with public service resolve, continued the campaign for the 46th consecutive day and distributed ration to the poor needy families of Lodha Mandi located in Jogia Mandi, Jhalkari Basti, Old Industrial Area. did. State President of Bharatiya Hindu Vahini Chandramohan Kaushik said that the campaign started to serve the poor needy families who were financially broken during the Corona period will continue till the situation becomes normal. He said that the workers are providing immediate help to any family facing financial crisis on getting information about the scarcity of ration. He said that many needy families are hesitant to take ration due to social shame and their respect. Such families are also being helped. He said that the ration distribution service will continue till the situation becomes normal. He said that everyone should always be ready to help the needy families. So that no family in the pilgrimage city of Haridwar should sleep hungry due to lack of bread. Mahant Rohit Giri, Shivam Kaushik, Pratap Kanyal, Piyush Kaushik, Anuj Mittal, Rajkumar Sharma etc. assisted in distribution of ration.