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Corona orphaned 67 innocent people in Delhi

⏺️Mother’s love snatched from 0- 651 children
⏺️Father’s shadow lifted from the head of 0- 1311

The Corona period has proved to be very difficult for all of us. But the whole world has been ruined for those children, who have lost both their parents in this bad time. So far 67 such children have come to the fore in Delhi, who took away both the father’s shadow and the mother’s lap from their head in the Corona crisis. At the same time, the mothers of 651 children were taken away from them forever, while there are 1311 children whose father swallowed the corona infection.

The Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights (DCPCR) has said that it is trying to reach out to all these children and provide them all possible help. The government will take the responsibility of health-education of all such children. All such children will get a pension of Rs 2500 from the Delhi government till they attain the age of 25 years.
4500 complaints received in three months

According to DCPCR Chairman Anurag Kundu, the commission has so far traced 2029 children who have lost parents due to Kovid. Helpline 9311551393 was issued for special assistance to children during the Corona period. 4500 complaints were received on this helpline in last 3 months. Of these, 2200 were SOS complaints, which were redressed immediately, while others were redressed in time. Any information related to the protection of children can still be obtained on this helpline, while if there is any problem with any child, it can also be shared on it. The commission estimates that in this financial year, it will receive about 20 thousand complaints related to children. This is 1300 per cent higher than the average of the last 3 years. This is 2.5 times the number of complaints received by the Commission in the last 12 years. This shows how DCPCR is proving to be reliable for common citizens-children.