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RJ Duckworth takes over as Commanding-in-Chief

Air Marshal RJ Duckworth on Thursday took over as the Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Central Air Command (CAC). The Air Marshal was commissioned in the Combat Branch of the Indian Air Force on 28 May 1983. During his remarkable career span of nearly 38 years, the Air Marshal has achieved flying prowess of over 3000 hours, which includes operational and instructional flights on a wide variety of fighter and trainer aircraft available in the Indian Air Force. Central Command Spokesperson Shantanu Pratap Singh further informed that during his illustrious service, the Air Officer has held various important posts. He has been the Commanding Officer of a Frontline Fighter Squadron and has also commanded a Premier Fighter Base. As Air Vice Marshal, he has held important appointments such as Assistant Chief of Integrated Defense Staff (Technical Intelligence) at IDS Headquarters, Air Officer Commanding at Advance Headquarters Central Air Command and Air Defense Commander at Southern Air Command. As an Air Marshal, he has also been a Senior Air Staff Officer of Central Air Command and Western Air Command. Prior to assuming the present post, he was Air Officer-in-Charge Personnel at Air Headquarters. The Air Marshal is an alumnus of the National Defense Academy, the Defense Services Staff College, Wellington and the National Defense College. Keeping in view their services, Air Marshal has been decorated with Vishisht Seva Medal in 2008 and Ati Vishisht Seva Medal in 2021.