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Special on National Doctor’s Day: Doctors are examples of service, dedication and courage

Every year July 1 is celebrated as National Doctor’s Day in India. To express respect for the invaluable contribution of doctors, the country had decided to celebrate National Doctor’s Day on July 01 every year in 1991. The day also marks the birth anniversary and death anniversary of the great physician and second Chief Minister of West Bengal, Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy. That great personality is also remembered while celebrating National Doctor’s Day.

Dr. Vidhanchandra Roy was awarded the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian honor, on 04 February 1961. Self. Roy ji was born on 01 July 1882 in Patna, Bihar. He completed his doctorate degree from Kolkata. Then in 1911 he completed his MRCP and FRCS degree from London. After that he started his medical career as a doctor in India. Later he joined Kolkata Medical College as a teacher, then went to Campbell Medical School and then Carmichael Medical College.

He was a famous doctor, educationist as well as a freedom fighter. He was associated with Mahatma Gandhi during the Civil Disobedience Movement. Later he also became the Chief Minister of West Bengal. He died on his birthday in 1962 at the age of 80. To honor and pay tribute to him, in the year 1976, Dr. B.C. was named after him. Roy National Award was instituted.

Doctors play a very important role in the society. In the present time, when the whole country was shaken by the corona epidemic, then the doctors were engaged in the service of the country day and night without caring for their lives. The doctors in the country worked with a team spirit. Some made a strategy to fight the disease on their own thinking, some became the face of dedication, and some made an example of courage. Many doctors left their homes and stayed in the hospital for months. Even in the event of the death of a family member in his own house, he did not remain on leave even for a single day.

Doctors have played a huge role in improving the health facilities of the country. If the health facilities of our country were not good, then the situation of the country could have been worse in this time of Corona. In time the epidemic was stopped from progressing. Scientists working in the field of medical science, with dedication and dedication, succeeded in making the corona vaccine ahead of time. He did not give up despite the paucity of resources. Sometimes there was a shortage of medicines in the hospital, sometimes lack of oxygen, sometimes due to lack of space, they had to face difficulties in treatment. But even without stopping, without fear, he continued to protect millions of lives. It is also a lesson that we should always be ready for every danger or emergency problem that comes. Health resources should be increased and good health facilities should be available in every city including rural areas.

This is the time when we should prepare from now for the coming time, for this it should be the duty of not only the government, administration but also every citizen to follow the rules well. We should not do any such thing, which will harm us and our city, state or country. Even a small mistake or carelessness can be costly. Be aware of your health. The time that has come will pass slowly, but the circumstances and difficulties through which we have passed the time should not be repeated. Do not know how many lives have been taken by this epidemic. Despite this, there is negligence. What opened the lockdown, it seems as if people are running out of captivity. Do not leave the house unnecessarily, go out only when absolutely necessary. Corona has not gone yet, only the infection has reduced, but such an environment is going on now, nothing has ever happened. In this way, if people keep roaming in crowded places fearlessly, then very soon the third wave may come. There is still time, if we are determined that if we improve, then the country will improve. Do not do wrong by looking at others, but by seeing you, people should improve, try to do so. The life of all of us is priceless, which has no value. Just go and look at those houses in whose homes there were no nurturing heads, who are no longer in this world due to Corona. Little carelessness or lack of awareness took their lives.

About two thirds of the population in our country resides in rural areas. We all know that like other services the condition of medical services is also not very good in our country. In rural areas, the situation is even worse. Rural people have to run to big cities for their treatment. Sometimes they are forced to take the services of quacks. Many times they have to lose their hard earned money as well as lose their lives. On the other hand, in such a situation, a well-planned expansion of medical services seems necessary. The delivery of such services has become the need of the day to focus on the human aspects of human service rather than commercialization of health and medical services. Now medical and health services are no longer limited to cities and are expanding to private hospitals and nursing homes even in small towns where there is a need to strengthen medical services.
The common man does not have special knowledge of medical methods or medicines. They are completely dependent on the hospital and nursing home staff and doctors.

In this case, a small negligence can take the life of the patient. The entire medical community is getting maligned because of some greedy doctors. For this, I appeal to all the doctors to take their field of medicine to new heights, in which they can selflessly serve the public with their experience of health, courage and new technology.

Even doctors can try to save someone’s life only for a time. But the patient’s life can be saved with the right time and first aid. We all have seen how doctors have saved the lives of lakhs of people day and night from corona by wearing PPE kits without caring for their lives. Wearing PPE kit is not easy. Despite that, he kept trying to save the lives of people through service, dedication and self-respect. Meanwhile, reputed and well-known doctors of the country also got infected with Corona and left this world. For this great service, dedication work of doctors, society has given them God status. Greetings and best wishes on National Doctor’s Day to such service-minded doctors.

Tej Bahadur Singh Bhuwal