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Uttarakhand : Former CM Harish Rawat gave this advice to the new CM Dhami

Former CM Harish Rawat has written that I have already congratulated the new Chief Minister of Uttarakhand. Today I want to give him a piece of advice, this is the last opportunity for him and his party to open their 2017 election manifesto. Because I don’t think that both the earlier Honorable Chief Ministers were able to open the election manifesto! If Pushkar Dhami ji opens the election manifesto, then he will be considered a good student. In a state where the unemployment rate has reached 23.30 percent, stories are being published about how hospitals have been underreporting in the second wave of corona, where during the Kumbh there has been a pronoun scam of corona testing, development work stalled. There are many challenges for the newcomer Chief Minister of that state. But I would like to give one more advice to him that he should not serve the lie of his state president in this matter in front of the youth of Uttarakhand, he has served a lie that 7 lakh people have been given jobs. I understand that the record of lying for such a long time will not be in anyone else’s name. This number is limited to only a few dozen. During my 3 years tenure, 32 thousand people were employed in some form or the other in government services. Today this number has not even reached 320 under the BJP rule, 2 zeros (00) have disappeared, the youth is fuming. The requisitions which were done in our time, all those requisitions have been stopped, the results of those examinations are not being declared, in some places, if the examinations have been held and the results are out, then the posts have been canceled i.e. reduce the amount. As given in the Electricity Department. If Shri Pushkar Dhami ji corrects these inconsistencies as well, because expecting too much from him now would be too much on him. Because BJP has no record of providing employment. Then some BJP colleagues are not tired of calling him a night watchman. I have been hearing some rumblings in Uttarakhand since yesterday. My concern is not what happens inside the BJP, their nightwatchman gets out without a run or does a tuk-tuk for a while. Rather my concern is that what is punishing Uttarakhand! To give an overwhelming majority? I would like to tell Pushkar Singh Dhami ji that the Chief Minister is the Chief Minister, no matter how long the Chief Minister is. If he has the will power to take decisions, then decisions are taken. I took most of the decisions during the period when political instability was imposed on my government by the central government. On the one hand, the cases were being fought in the court and on the other hand they were taking decisions for the public interest on that day whenever they were getting time. The day I became the Chief Minister for one day, I took a dozen public welfare decisions and got them implemented. That’s why there is no such record of any Chief Minister in BJP, they should check our record and in that record they will find many examples of how decisions are taken. I don’t have any soft corner with any BJP, but I definitely have a soft corner with the youth, if a youth has got a chance, I want that youth to show some shine and if nothing shines. If I can show it, thousands and thousands of Uttarakhand youth will be very disappointed.