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Uttarakhand / Haridwar : NSUI demands priority to students in vaccination

NSUI has demanded that students be given priority in vaccination. NSUI city general secretary Yagnik Verma said during the press conference that NSUI is running a campaign all over the country to give priority to students in vaccination. Yagnik Verma said that lakhs of students appear in various examinations across the country. But despite the threat of Kovid, the examinations are being conducted without all the students without vaccination. The government is playing with the health of the students by conducting examinations without vaccination. Vaccination of all the students should be done on priority basis before the conduct of examinations. He said that to protect the students from the risk of Kovid, the government should plan for the vaccination of the students and vaccinate all the students. So that students can be saved from the danger of Kovid. Yagnik Verma said that there is a huge shortage of vaccines in the country due to wrong policies of the central government. But instead of providing adequate amount of vaccine to the countrymen, the government is spending public money on the promotion of PM. Due to the negligence of the government, lakhs of people lost their lives in the second wave of Corona. Now the next wave of Kovid is being invited by conducting examinations without vaccinating all the students. He said that NSUI will not allow the government to play with the lives of the students. Many NSUI workers were present during this.