Russia once again offered COVID vaccines to North Korea

Russia has once again offered a COVID vaccine to North Korea, which is starving due to a harsh lockdown. Pyongyang has refused vaccines and aid from several countries. Instead it has sealed borders to try to keep the virus out, but that has affected its trade with China. The BBC reported that North Korea is dependent on Beijing for food, fertilizer and fuel.
Describing the situation as tense, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un acknowledged that the country is facing a food shortage.
He made the remarks last month and asked citizens to prepare for the worst outcome ever, which has drawn comparisons to a deadly famine in the 1990s.
International trade sanctions are believed to have put further pressure on the food supply.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has said the country could face significant shortages as early as next month.
In a report, the FAO projects that North Korea will not be able to produce enough grain to feed its population this year.
The UN body said, without commercial imports and food aid, families could face difficult situations from August to October.
Russia has already told North Korea that no one can tolerate extreme sanctions, despite its unprecedented strength. On Wednesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Moscow has offered vaccines to Pyongyang on several occasions.
He also reiterated the proposal to make vaccines available to the country when they need them.
North Korea says it has no COVID cases. However, experts doubt his claim.
Last week a high-ranking official was fired over an unspecified serious incident that was being linked to the virus.
North Korean media later named him as Ri Pyong Chol, a top military officer.
Kim Jong-un also reprimanded top officials last month over North Korean state media reports and lapses related to COVID-19.
The severity of the epidemic in North Korea continues to grow.