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Truth and Reality

Uttar Pradesh / MathuraThe protest demonstration of Jal Nigam employees continued on the eighth day

On Monday, the Satyagraha struggle program of various organizations continued on the eighth day during the lunch break in the office of Executive Engineer, Dwadash Division, Jal Nigam Mathura. The agitated employees alleged that due to non-receipt of salary and pension in the corporation for the last five months and non-payment of pension bills of the officers and employees retiring from the Jal Nigam, Jal Nigam employees have come to the verge of starvation. The demands of the employees have not yet been taken into account by the government, despite this, the employees are being harassed by adjusting the field employees in other departments. RK Singh, Raju Gola, Anas Salaam, Gopal Singh, Rajveer Singh, Bhagwan Singh Sisodia, Brahmdev Sharma, Pratap Narayan, Motiram Pandey, Munna Singh, Godhan Singh, Ramvir Singh, Lalit Kumar, Chitarmal, Rekhpal, Uttam Kumar, Ashok Kumar, Jagdish Gujar, Sunita Mathur, Saroj, Lata, Geeta, Shanti and Pensioner Kshetrapal Singh and all the members participated.