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Thousands affected by floods in Myanmar

Thousands of people have been affected by floods in low-lying Myanmar after heavy torrential rains since the third week of July. The floods have so far affected thousands of residents in the country’s Kayin, Mon, Rakhine states and Taninthri and Bago regions.

According to the latest figures released by the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Rehabilitation, more than 14,900 people have been affected in Kayansekagi, Kawkarik, Halingbwe and Myavadi towns of Kayin state.

In addition, more than 30,700 people have been affected by the floods in Mon state, with more than 2,900 in Thandwe city in Rakhine state, ministry figures show.

Of them, 25,900 residents were shifted to evacuation centers and safer places.
The Department of Meteorology and Hydrology has forecast that Monsoon is vigorous over Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.

The department’s weather report said Thursday that the storm is forecast to experience rough seas along the coast of Myanmar, and surface wind speeds in the storm could reach 35-40 mph.

Heavy rains and strong wind accompanied by flash floods and landslides are frequent in Myanmar during the monsoon period, especially in mountainous areas and low-lying areas.