731 MT certified jute seeds distributed among farmersby Jute Corporation of India

Jute Corporation of India has distributed 731 MT certified jute seeds among farmersin FY 2021-22. Since 2015-16 to 2020-21, the National Jute Board under I-CARE scheme has distributed 3459 MT certified jute seeds on subsidized rate.
All India Coordinated Research Project – National Seeds Project (AICRP-NSP) under ICAR produce breeder seed for cotton. During the year 2020-21, 22.8 quintals of breeder seed was produced and supplied to the indenting agencies for production of foundation seed. Similarly, ICAR Seed Project augments the quality seed production in the country. During the year 2020-21, 2.4 quintals of foundation seed, 9.2 quintals of certified and 295.4 quintals of truthfully labelled seed was produced under this project. The quality seed of cotton produced during the year 2020-21 were made available to farmers for Kharif 2021 sowing.
The Government of India has issued orders that 100% foodgrains and 20% sugar is required to be packed compulsorily in jute bags. The order further stipulates that in case of any shortage or disruption in supply of jute packaging material or in case of any other contingency or exigency, the Ministry of Textiles may, in consultation with the user Ministries concerned, allow further dilution of packaging material up to a maximum of thirty per cent.The requirement of jute bags, actual supply by jute mills and granting relaxation for use of HDPE/PP bags in the last Rabi: 2020-21, Kharif: 2020-21 & Rabi: 2021-22 seasons are furnished below:-
In: ‘000’ bales
Rabi:20-21 | Kharif:20-21 | Rabi:21-22 | |
Requirement of Jute bags | 2336 | 2387 | 2534 |
Actual supply by Jute mills | 1310 | 1444 | 1086 |
Relaxation for HDPE/PP bags | 701 | 364 | 770 |
In addition to above and in order to overcome the crisis situation in arranging packaging material for packing foodgrains, the indenting agencies have been allowed to use once used jute bags manufactured in India.
This information was given in a written reply by the Minister of State for Textiles Smt. DarshanaJardosh in Lok Sabha today.