Uttar Pradesh / Jhansi : Today those who have done remarkable work in various fields will be honored

Chief Development Officer Shailesh Kumar, while holding an important meeting at Vikas Bhawan Auditorium, said that on the occasion of Independence Day, a program would be organized at Pandit Deendayal Auditorium from 10.30 am on Sunday, in which notable achievements in various fields will be made. Those who did the work would be honored by the district administration with a citation.
The Chief Development Officer said that doctors, village heads, self-help groups, progressive farmers, civil defense, who have done remarkable work in the field of health, education, agriculture, sports, Panchayati Raj, were honored with commendation certificates. will go. Folk songs, patriotic songs, programs will be organized by the Department of Education and Culture from cultural and Bundeli artists. He said that the first village in each block which has been saturated with Covid vaccination would be honoured, the village head of that village.
The Chief Development Officer said that all district level officers should be present in this program compulsorily and honor those who did remarkable work related to their respective departments. He directed the District Development Officer to ensure that letters are sent to the concerned officers after allotting the work of the programme.
Jhansi Development Authority Secretary Tribhuvan Vishwakarma, Municipal Magistrate Salil Patel, CMO Dr GK Nigam, DDO Sunil Kumar, Project Director Upendra Pal, DPRO Jagdish Ram Gautam, Regional Sports Officer Suresh Wonkar, Chief Veterinary Officer Dr Yogendra Tomar, DIOS Komal Singh Yadav attended the meeting. District level officers of various departments including BSA Vedaram, DIO NIC Asif Khan were present.