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Uttarakhand / Vikasnagar : The newly elected members of the Selakui Business Board took the oath of office and secrecy

The newly elected President, General Secretary and members of Industry Trade Board Selakui were administered the oath of office and secrecy by the District General Secretary of the Board of Trade, Anil Jain. On this occasion, the President of the newly formed Executive Committee said that for the interests of the traders of Selakui and for the basic facilities, the traders would unite and fight. Dr. Pankaj Kishore Gaur and Udit Narayan Gaur inaugurated the Vyapar Mandal swearing-in ceremony in a complex located at Selakui Bazar with Vedic chanting by lighting the lamp. The chief guest of the swearing-in ceremony, Provincial Patron of Udyog Vyapar Mandal, Anil Goyal and State President Vinod Goyal’s President Chaitanya Anil Gaur and General Secretary Vinod Kumar Gupta presented a symbol to the wreath. On this occasion, the post patron and state president assured all possible support to the Selakui Business Board and support in every struggle. Said that the state leadership would be ready to extend cooperation at all times to solve the problems faced by the Board of Trade. The State Patron and State President said that the traders are always disciplined and remain loyal to their duties. Which should be maintained in future also. On this occasion, Vyapar Mandal President Vikasnagar Amarjit Singh Raju, President Sahaspur Pankaj Mahawar, Ankit Kandwal, President Herbertpur Sachin Rohilla, Subhash Kohli, Police Station President Vinod Rana, Trader Prakash Bhatt, Ashwani Gupta, Rajiv Guru, Ashok Mahawar, Sanjay Garg, Rajganj Sari , Sabir Ali, Jitendra Gupta, Rajendra Prasad Baluni, Rajendra Ghansali, Kashiram Mahawar etc. were present.