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Uttarakhand : Fierce clash between YuC workers and police during the assembly march

Dehradun : During the assembly march of Youth Congress workers, there was a fierce clash with the police. At the barricading near the Rispana police, the YuC workers created a ruckus for about half an hour. The Youth Congress procession started from a wedding point on EC Road at 2 pm on Friday and reached the police barricading before Respana police at around 3.45 pm. Heavy police force was already deployed here. The YuC activists broke the police cordon and climbed the barricade. After this, there were several clashes between the police and the YuC workers. During this, Congress state spokesperson Garima Dasoni and three Youth Congress workers were also injured after falling from the barricading. Youth Congress national media secretary Walia and state vice-president Chamoli were caught between two barricades during the scuffle, they were rescued by the police after a heavy struggle. Which increased the commotion. Amidst the scuffle, many police personnel were also injured after falling on the road. Congress state president Ganesh Godiyal jumped in the middle and intervened as soon as the police came in a tough stand. After a huge uproar, the police arrested 50 Youth Congress workers and made them sit in a police vehicle and took them to the police line. There he was released on a personal bond.

Youth Congress State President Sumitar Bhullar told through the memorandum that the government failed to provide employment and failed to stop inflation. State Sangram Singh Pundir, Robin Tyagi, Sonu Hassan, Gautam Sonkar, Vini Prasad Bantu, Sunny Kumar, Vineet Singh, Ayushman, Navneet Kukreti, Kamalkant, Abhay Kathura etc. were present on this occasion.