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Uttarakhand / Haridwar : The saints who came from Punjab were welcomed by the saints of Nirmal Akhara

Saints are guiding the society since time immemorial: Shri Mahant Gyandev Singh

Shri Mahant Gyandev Singh Maharaj welcomed the saints of Bhuriwale group and Nirmal sect who came from Punjab to Shri Panchayati Akhara Nirmal by wearing a shawl and wearing a garland. During this Mahant Harjinder Singh Matili Wale, Mahant Inderjit Singh and Sant Gurpreet Singh Nirmal joined the Akhara. On this occasion, the President of Nirmal Akhara, Shri Mahant Gyandev Singh Maharaj said that Saint Mahapurush is the heritage of the nation. Those who have been guiding the society since time immemorial and providing new direction. The doors of Shri Panchayati Akhara Nirmal are always open for all the saints of the Nirmal sect. The saints, who were separated from the arena due to confusion, are constantly returning to the arena after finding out the truth. Which is a matter of joy for the arena. Kothari Mahant Jaswinder Singh Maharaj said that by taking a pledge to propagate religion, everyone should discharge the traditions of the Akhara with integrity. The saints who have joined the Nirmal Akhara will unite and strengthen the traditions of the Akhara by contributing to the service of religion and human welfare. Mahant Satnam Singh Maharaj said that the glorious traditions of Shri Panchayati Akhara Nirmal are world famous. The saints of the Akhara have always made a remarkable contribution to the country, religion and human service. I hope that all the saints will be united and dedicated to the service of mankind. Mahant Hardev Singh Maharaj said that Shri Mahant Gyandev Singh Maharaj is making an important contribution in nation building by discharging the Sanatan traditions even in his old age. One should provide his contribution and should be dedicated to the service of the nation and society. On this occasion, the saints of Shri Panchayati Akhara Nirmal congratulated the newly appointed Governor of Uttarakhand Lt Gen Gurmeet Singh and wished him a bright future. Kothari Mahant Jaswinder Singh Maharaj said that a delegation of saints of Nirmal Akhara will soon meet the newly appointed Governor and will also invite him to visit the Akhara after discussing the topic of religion and culture. During this, Mahant Sukhjit Singh, Mahant Parminder Singh, Mahant Avtar Singh, Baba Jagmohan Singh, Baba Sandeep Singh, Baba Sukhpreet Singh, Mahant Khem Singh, Baba Paramjit Singh, Mahant Nirbhay Singh, Giani Zail Singh, Sant Jaskaran Singh, Sant Sukhman Singh etc. be present.