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Small amount of electricity being supplied to Afghanistan : Tajikistan

Tajikistan said it was continuing to supply small amounts of electricity to Afghanistan. Barki Tojik Energy spokesman Nojirjon Yodgori gave this information. Earlier, the Wall Street Journal quoted Dawood Noorzai, former head of the Afghan State Energy Corporation da Afghanistan Bresna Sherkat (DABS), as saying that power supply to the Afghan capital, Kabul, could be cut in winter.

Mr. Yodgori pointed out that Tajikistan continues to supply a small amount of 180 MW per day of electricity to Afghanistan. He said that the country is fulfilling all the obligations under the agreement signed with DABS at the end of 2020. He said the company would continue to abide by the agreement. He said, it is a private company, which we actually get paid at the end of each month. They have paid us in full for the supplies in August.