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Uttar Pradesh / Jhansi : City Congress celebrates Priyanka Gandhi’s decision

Under the leadership of City Congress Committee President Arvind Vashisht, National General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi’s decision to give tickets to 40% women in the Uttar Pradesh Assembly was celebrated in the city office by offering flowers and feeding laddoos to women power. On this occasion, Arvind Vashisht said that today Priyanka Gandhi has given a special gift to the women power of Uttar Pradesh. Looking at the situation in Uttar Pradesh, he has decided to empower women. The Yogi government of Uttar Pradesh has neither been able to protect the honor of women nor is it able to provide security to them. Priyanka didi has worked to empower women by giving the slogan of ‘Main Ladki Hoon Mein Bhi Lad Sahin Hoon’ to make women self-reliant and connect them to the mainstream by giving reservation for women in Uttar Pradesh, 40% party tickets for the assembly. Have given. Mayawati and Rita Bahuguna Joshi have suffered a lot due to Priyanka Gandhi’s decision, do they not want to see women move forward. Mayawati, why did you not take any decision for women as BSP supremo. Ms. Ruby Yadav said that today we are feeling proud that our participation will also remain in power and if there is atrocities on women, then its echo will go in the assembly and decisions will also be taken for their rights. Anwar Ali, Jitendra Bhadoria, Rohan Kumar, Janki Ahirwar, Neelam Rohan, Badri Kori, Haider Ali, Manish Raikwar, Dilip Shakya etc. were present. General Secretary Jitendra Bhadauria conducted the program.