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INDIA’S MERCHANDISE TRADE: Preliminary Data October 2021

India’s merchandise imports in October 2021 was USD 55.37 billion, an increase of 62.49% over USD 34.07 billion in October 2020 and an increase of 45.76% over USD 37.99 billion in October 2019.

India’s merchandise imports in April-October 2021 was USD 331.29 billion, an increase of 78.71%  over USD 185.38 billion in April-October 2020 and an increase of 15.81% over USD 286.07 billion in April-October 2019.

The trade deficit in October 2021 was USD 19.9 billion, while it was USD 98.71 billion during April-October 2021.


Statement 1: India’s Merchandise Trade in October 2021
Value in Billion USD % Growth
Oct-21 Oct-20 Oct-19 Oct-21 over Oct-20 Oct-21 over Oct-19
Exports 35.47 24.92 26.23 42.33 35.21
Imports 55.37 34.07 37.99 62.49 45.76
Deficit 19.90 9.15 11.75 117.38 69.29


Statement 2: India’s Merchandise Trade in Apr-Oct 2021
Value in Billion USD % Growth
Apr-Oct21 Apr-Oct20 Apr-Oct19 Apr-Oct 21 over Apr-Oct 20 Apr-Oct 21 over Apr-Oct 19
Exports 232.58 150.53 185.40 54.51 25.45
Imports 331.29 185.38 286.07 78.71 15.81
Deficit 98.71 34.85 100.67 183.22 -1.95




Value of non-petroleum exports in October 2021 was 30.27 USD billion, registering a positive growth of 29.63% over non-petroleum exports of USD 23.35 billion in October 2020 and a positive growth of 32.84% over non-petroleum exports of USD 22.79 billion in October 2019.

Value of non-petroleum imports was USD 40.94 billion in October 2021 with a positive growth of 45.82% over non-petroleum imports of USD 28.07 billion in October 2020 and a positive growth of 44.87% over non-petroleum imports of USD 28.26 billion in October 2019.


Statement 3: Merchandise Non-POL Trade in October 2021
Value in Billion USD % Growth
Oct21 Oct20 Oct19 Oct21 over Oct20 Oct21 over Oct19
Exports 30.27 23.35 22.79 29.63 32.84
Imports 40.94 28.07 28.26 45.82 44.87


The cumulative value of non-petroleum exports in April-October 2021 was USD 199.41 billion, an increase of 45.59% over USD 136.96 billion in April-October 2020 and an increase of 24.09% over USD 160.7 billion in April-October 2019.

The cumulative value of non-petroleum imports in April-October 2021 was USD 243.89 billion, showing an increase of 65.41% compared to non-oil imports of USD 147.44 billion in April-October 2020 and an increase of 15.51% compared to non-oil imports of USD 211.14 billion in April-October 2019.


Statement 4: Merchandise Non-POL Trade Apr-Oct 2021
Value in Billion USD % Growth
Apr-Oct21 Apr-Oct20 Apr-Oct19 Apr-Oct21 over Apr-Oct20 Apr-Oct21 over Apr-Oct19
Exports 199.41 136.96 160.70 45.59 24.09
Imports 243.89 147.44 211.14 65.41 15.51


Value of non-petroleum and non-gems and jewellery exports in October 2021 was USD 26.05 billion, registering a positive growth of 27.54% over non-petroleum and non-gems and jewellery exports of USD 20.43 billion in October 2020 and a positive growth of 36.59% over non-petroleum and non-gems and jewellery exports of USD 19.07 billion in October 2019.

Value of non-oil, non-GJ (gold, silver & Precious metals) imports was USD 32.42 billion in October 2021 with a positive growth of 39.29% over non-oil and non-GJ imports of USD 23.27 billion in October 2020 and a positive growth of 30.72% over non-oil and non-GJ imports of USD 24.8 billion in October 2019.

Statement 5: Merchandise Non-POL Non-GJ Trade in October 2021
Value in Billion USD % Growth
Oct-21 Oct-20 Oct-19 Oct21 over Oct20 Oct21 over Oct19
Exports 26.05 20.43 19.07 27.54 36.59
Imports 32.42 23.27 24.80 39.29 30.72

The cumulative value of non-petroleum and non-gems and jewellery exports in April-October 2021 was USD 175.89 billion, an increase of 40.33% over cumulative value of non-petroleum and non-gems and jewellery exports of USD 125.35 billion in April-October 2020 and an increase of 27.72% over cumulative value of non-petroleum and non-gems and jewellery exports of USD 137.72 billion in April-October 2019.

Non-oil, non-GJ (Gold, Silver & Precious Metals) imports was USD 196.07 billion in April-October 2021, recording a positive growth of 50.91%, as compared to non-oil and non-GJ imports of USD 129.92 billion in April-October 2020 and a marginal positive growth of 9.87% over USD 178.45 billion in April-October 2019.


Statement 6: Merchandise Non-POL Non-GJ Trade Apr-Oct 2021
Value in Billion USD % Growth
Apr-Oct 21 Apr-Oct 20 Apr-Oct 19 Apr-Oct 21 over Apr-Oct 20 Apr-Oct 21 over Apr-Oct 19
Exports 175.89 125.35 137.72 40.33 27.72
Imports 196.07 129.92 178.45 50.91 9.87


Top 10 major commodity groups, covering more than 80% of total exports, have shown positive growth in October 2021 over corresponding month of previous year, as stated below.


Statement 7: Exports of Top 10 Major Commodity Groups
Value of Export (Million US$) Share (%) Growth (%)
Major Commodity Group Oct ’21 Oct ’20 Oct ’21 Oct ’21 over Oct ’20
Engineering Goods 9388.28 6229.91 28.19 50.70
Petroleum Products 5197.59 1567.31 14.69 231.63
Gems And Jewellery 4221.73 2926.82 9.67 44.24
Organic And Inorganic Chemicals 2569.28 1810.71 7.11 41.89
Drugs And Pharmaceuticals 2060.09 2078.92 6.14 -0.91
Electronic Goods 1347.93 966.29 3.91 39.50
Cotton Yarn/Fabrics/Made-ups Handloom Products Etc. 1332.75 912.34 3.89 46.08
RMG Of All Textiles 1252.90 1177.56 3.50 6.40
Marine Products 807.80 684.06 2.28 18.09
Plastic And Linoleum 781.49 599.55 2.25 30.35
Total of 10 Major Commodity Groups 28959.84 18953.48 81.62 52.79
Rest 6510.45 5966.93 18.38 9.11
Total Exports 35470.29 24920.41 100.00 42.33


Top 10 major commodity groups, covering about 78% of total imports, have shown below.


Statement 8: Imports of Top 10 Major Commodity Groups
Import (Million US$) Share (%) Growth (%)
Major Commodity Group Oct.’21 Oct.’20 Oct.’21 Oct.’21 over Oct.’20
Petroleum, Crude & products 14430.76 6000.27 26.06 140.50
Electronic goods 6811.03 5533.73 12.30 23.08
Gold 5106.14 2499.97 9.22 104.25
Machinery, electrical & non-electrical 3540.77 2497.29 6.39 41.78
Coal, Coke & Briquettes, etc. 3311.93 1512.88 5.98 118.92
Organic & Inorganic Chemicals 2620.62 1563.23 4.73 67.64
Pearls, precious & Semi-precious stones 2483.01 2291.40 4.48 8.36
Artificial resins, plastic materials, etc. 1727.27 1121.06 3.12 54.07
 Vegetable Oil 1624.79 1018.08 2.93 59.59
Iron & Steel 1444.81 985.71 2.61 46.58
Total of 10 Major Commodity Groups 43101.12 25023.62 77.84 72.24
Rest 12266.92 9050.21 22.16 35.54
Total Imports 55368.04 34073.84 100.00 62.49