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Uttarakhand / Pithoragarh: 459 schools in the district without electricity and 128 schools without toilets

In the marginal district, 459 schools are without electricity, 128 primary and junior schools are without toilets. Computer education has become a dream for children in schools without electricity. Even after this, the government and the administration have not been able to provide the desired facilities to the poor children and parents.

Despite many claims to improve the education system in the state, the condition of government schools is not changing. Schools in Pithoragarh district, bordering China and Nepal, are also in bad shape. Teachers and parents are compelled to send their children to resourceless schools. There is no electricity in 459 schools in the marginal district. Because of this, studies are not possible here in bad weather. A total of 128 junior and primary schools do not have toilets. Every year proposals are sent to the government to build toilets in such schools but toilets have not been constructed. There is no provision of drinking water for the children and parents in 89 schools of the district. Bhojan mothers have to carry water from natural sources of the village to make mid-day meals in such schools. Children and teachers bring bottled water for themselves from home. 80 primary and four junior high schools in the district are dilapidated. Teachers teach children outside in good weather but in bad weather children are forced to study in dilapidated schools.

The posts of principal and headmaster are also vacant for a long time
Pithoragarh. In the marginal district, 105 posts of principal and 77 of headmaster are vacant. 128 posts of Principal are sanctioned in the marginal district. In relation to this, only 23 principals are working. 87 posts of headmaster are sanctioned, against this only 10 headmasters are working. 1493 posts of assistant teachers are approved, against this only 1056 assistant teachers are working. 437 posts are lying vacant for a long time.
Proposals for schools without electricity-toilets and dilapidated schools have been sent to the government. Constant correspondence is being done at the government level for appointment to the posts of Principal, Headmaster and Assistant Teacher. Teachers will be posted on appointment from the government level. – Dr. Ashok Kumar Jukaria, CEO, Pithoragarh.