Uttarakhand / Mussoorie : Car brakes fail on Mussoorie Dehradun Highway, six vehicles hit, one injured

The brakes of the car of tourists going from Mussoorie to Dehradun failed about five hundred meters below the crusher. Due to sudden brake failure, the car hit six vehicles, in which six were four-wheelers and two-wheelers. A two-wheeler rider was injured when the car collided, who was rushed to the hospital by the police posted at the Kolhukhet police post. The accident happened on Saturday afternoon.
According to the information, on Saturday afternoon, car number UP 15CN 1011 was going from Mussoorie to Dehradun. About five hundred meters below Kolhukhet, the brakes of the car failed and went out of control. The uncontrolled car collided with four four-wheelers and two two-wheelers coming from Dehradun to Mussoorie and the car came to a halt.
During this long queues of vehicles formed on both sides of the road. On receiving information about the incident, Tainan Yashpal Rawat and Sukhinder reached the spot in Kolhukhet post and sent Rajat son Rajpal, resident of Dharampur Dehradun, the injured two-wheeler rider, to Dehradun Hospital and got the jams opened on both sides of the road.
Yashpal Rawat told that the car whose brakes have failed. It was being run by Monish son Sharif Ahmed, resident of Chasre Bijnor. Five family members were sitting in the car, in which no one was hurt. Passengers were also sitting in the other four-wheelers that collided, but no one was hurt.
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वहीं भट्टा फाल घूमने गये तीन पर्यटक फाल के ऊपर सेल्फी लेने के दौरान अचानक रेलिंग टूटने से लगभग चालीस फीट नीचे झील में गिर गये। जिससे झील में नहा रहे पर्यटकों में अफरा तफरी मच गयी। स्थानीय लोगों व झील में नहा रहे पर्यटकों तीनों को झील से बाहर निकालकर 108 के माध्यम से उपजिला चिकित्सालय लंढौर पहुंचाया। जहां पर प्राथमिक उपचार देने के बाद तीनों को अस्पताल से छुट्टी दे दी गयी।
भट्टा फाल घूमने गये तीन पर्यटक फाल के ऊपर लगी रेलिंग के सहारे खड़े होकर फाल का आनंद ले रहे थे। इसी दौरान वह सेल्फी लेने लगे और रेलिंग टूट गयी और तीनों पर्यटक लगभग चालीस फीट नीचे झील में गिर गये। गनीमत यह रही कि गिरने के दौरान वह पत्थरों से नहीं टकराये और सीधे पानी में गिरे अन्यथा बड़ा हादसा हो सकता था।