Uttar Pradesh : Earlier, Sher Ali used to beg, the king handed over the pen and passed the tenth examination from the first division.
This Sher by the famous Urdu poet Dr. Bashir Badr fits perfectly on Sher Ali Khan, who lives in a slum in Agra. Sher Ali Khan lives in huts near the office of the District Inspector of Schools. Till eight years ago, he used to beg. One day when she was noticed by child rights activist Naresh Paras, she started a campaign to beautify her life. Even Sher Ali Khan did not let the hard work of King Paras go to waste. Sher Ali Khan has secured 63 per cent marks in the high school examination in the recently released UP board results. Sweets were distributed throughout the camp when Sher Ali Khan was near. Taking inspiration from his success, children have also started trying to get education.
Facilities are far away
According to media reports, the facilities in the slums where Sher Ali Khan lives are far away. There is neither electricity nor clean water available. The residents of the settlement have to fetch water from far away. In such absence, Rahak Sher Ali Khan has passed the examination in first class, he studied under candlelight at night. Sher Ali Khan did it without any resources. Naresh Paras, who handed over the pen and book in his hands after getting the begging bowl out of his hands, continued to teach him under his guidance. Sometimes Naresh Paras used to teach him in the slums and sometimes he used to call him to his house and teach, the result of which is in front of everyone today. Sher Ali Khan’s father runs the family expenses by tying lemon peppers at Rangi’s house, shop and establishments.
Was refused admission in the school
Eight years ago, Naresh Paras caught the child in a rescue operation conducted with the police. He was repeatedly going into begging. When the king tried to connect it with education, the school people refused to admit it saying that it was dirty. These stink and would spoil the school environment as it had nothing to do with cleanliness.
Naresh Paras taught them to be clean and clean, then took them to school, so this time caste came in the way. Without caste certificate, he was not admitted to the school. After a movement, 36 children of this community got admission in the school. Since then, Naresh Paras has been taking care of these children continuously. supervising education. After eighth, Sher Ali Khan got admission in Ratan Muni Jain Inter College. Today all the children go to study from the community.
Excel in other activities
Along with studies, Sher Ali Khan also plays dance, theater, weightlifting and athletics. In this he has won many gold, silver medals, certificates and trophies. His hut is lit up with the trophy and certificate won by Sher Ali.
Wings of education also given to orphaned daughters
Naresh has not only saved Sher Ali’s life but also saved the lives of Anu and Khushi, who live in Deori Road, from becoming hell. The parents of both these children had died of illness. Relatives wanted to marry her at an early age. In such a situation, Naresh Paras stopped the marriage and fulfilled other needs. Now Anu and Khushi have also passed the first division examination of high school. Naresh Paras has appealed to the people to come forward to help such children. So that the children living in deprivation can get a new light and they can spread their shine in the society.