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Chhota Rajan’s aide Deepak Sisodia, a resident of Haldwani, absconded

A team of Maharashtra Police reached Haldwani on Wednesday. Here Mangalrao Chavan of Maharashtra Police filed a case in Kotwali. The trial was in connection with the arrest of convicted prisoner Deepak Sisodia, resident of Haldwani, absconding from Amravati jail. (Deepak Sisodia escapes from jail)

In fact, Deepak Sisodia was serving a life sentence in Amravati Jail in a murder case. In January this year, he was released on parole for 45 days. After the completion of the parole period, Deepak had to register his admission in Amravati Jail. When the police started investigation after he did not reach the jail on time, Deepak did not come. On suspicion of Sisodia being in or near his house in Haldwani, the police has reached in search of him. In fact, Deepak Sisodia’s wires are related to the gang of underworld don Chhota Rajan, so the police are in awe of his absconding.

On the afternoon of June 11, 2011, Mumbai crime reporter Jyotirmoy Dey was going towards his house on a motorcycle. Then four bike riders surrounded him and opened fire on him. In this shootout of Powai, adjacent to Mumbai, five bullets were fired from very close range on Day. He was taken to the hospital in critical condition where he was declared brought dead.

Jyotirmay, a resident of Mumbai, was a senior crime reporter in the Mid Day newspaper. Jyotirmoy Dey was counted among the best crime reporters in Mumbai. He was also associated with The Indian Express and Hindustan Times before joining Mid-Day as an Investigation Officer. Before the murder, he had done many stories on the oil mafia of the city, it was estimated that this was the reason for his murder. After this murder, there were also protests by journalists and citizens across the country.

The Mumbai Police started the investigation of the case under MCOCA. Soon two shooters involved in the case were arrested. The names of 11 people, including a journalist Jigna Bora, came to the fore in the investigation. The CBI also joined the investigation after Chhota Rajan’s name surfaced in the case. The Crime Branch got information that Chhota Rajan gang had a hand in this case. It was Chhota Rajan who had hired Satish Kalia to kill Dey.

Investigation revealed that the arms in Jyotirmoy Dey murder case were supplied by Haldwani resident Dalbir Sisodia alias Deepak Sisodia, associate of underworld don Chhota Rajan. Mumbai Police, Special Task Force of Uttarakhand and local police arrested Deepak from Haldwani. On the basis of information, the police arrested Deepak Sisodia by laying a trap in Kathgodam area. Sisodia admitted in the initial investigation itself that he was in touch with underworld don Chhota Rajan and he had provided the weapon. Sisodia’s arrest was considered crucial in solving Dey’s murder mystery.

MCOCA court sentenced 9 out of 11 accused to life imprisonment. Journalists Jigna Bora and Paulson Joseph were acquitted.

Deepak Sisodia, who is serving a life sentence in the same case, had come to his house in Haldwani after getting parole in January. Deepak’s house is in Jeetpur Negi of Rampur Road. He is absconding since the completion of parole. At present, Haldwani Police along with Maharashtra Police is actively searching for Amaravati Jail prisoner number-5304 Deepak Sisodia.