Uttarakhand : Pritam – Harish pulled up, the captain took over the command, said – the party will suffer due to accusations and counter-allegations

The ruckus in the Uttarakhand Congress in the last assembly elections was not even over that the fight has started on the MLAs who left the Congress in 2016 Is. Hitting out at Pritam Singh, former Chief Minister Harish Rawat said that it is not appropriate to put ink on the glorious page of the democratic history of Uttarakhand in the year 2016 due to hatred towards one person. He said that such things give an impression that the defection that took place in the year 2016 was not due to the actions of the BJP, but the result of internal conflict of the Congress. Former Chief Minister Harish Rawat on Sunday responded to the statement of former Congress President Pritam Singh in the Internet media, in which he had said that Harish Rawat is responsible for the rebellion in the Congress.
At present, the Congress is battling with allegations and counter-allegations in Uttarakhand and the allegations and counter-allegations continue not among the common workers of the party, but among the veterans of the Congress on whose shoulders the Uttarakhand Congress is standing. At the same time, in the whole matter, now the captain has made an entry to stop the dispute between Harish Rawat and Pritam. If we do, it will break the morale of the common worker and the party will suffer, so Mahara has instructed both the senior leaders to restrain their tongue. At the same time, BJP says that after being out of power, Congress squabbles and fights amongst themselves and the same thing is happening, mud is being thrown amongst themselves. And the squabble in Congress can never end.