The Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi, Manish Sisodia’s house, said, “Complete cooperation in the investigation

In the case of Excise Policy, the CBI raided 21 places in Delhi-NCR, including the house of Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia and the premises of the then Delhi Excise Commissioner Arava Gopi Krishna.
Giving information about this raid, Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia tweeted and said, ‘CBI has come. He is welcome. We are extremely honest. Making the future of millions of children. It is very unfortunate that those who do good work in our country are harassed like this. That is why our country has not yet become number-1.
सीबीआई आई है. उनका स्वागत है. हम कट्टर ईमानदार हैं . लाखों बच्चों का भविष्य बना रहे हैं.
— Manish Sisodia (@msisodia) August 19, 2022
बहुत ही दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण है कि हमारे देश में जो अच्छा काम करता है उसे इसी तरह परेशान किया जाता है. इसीलिए हमारा देश अभी तक नम्बर-1 नहीं बन पाया.
My work cannot be stopped for good education in the country
In another tweet, he said, ‘These people are upset with the wonderful work of Delhi’s education and health. That is why the Health Minister and Education Minister of Delhi have been arrested so that the good work of education health can be stopped. There are false allegations against both of us. The truth will come out in court. We welcome CBI. Will give full cooperation in the investigation so that the truth can come out soon. Till now many cases have been filed against me but nothing has come out. Nothing will come out of it either. My work cannot be stopped for good education in the country.
ये लोग दिल्ली की शिक्षा और स्वास्थ्य के शानदार काम से परेशान हैं. इसीलिए दिल्ली के स्वास्थ्य मंत्री और शिक्षा मंत्री को पकड़ा है ताकि शिक्षा स्वास्थ्य के अच्छे काम रोके जा सकें.
— Manish Sisodia (@msisodia) August 19, 2022
हम दोनों के ऊपर झूँठे आरोप हैं. कोर्ट में सच सामने आ जाएगा.
Question on excise policy implemented last year
The LG had recommended a CBI inquiry on the basis of a report by the Chief Secretary of Delhi. This report was sent to LG on 8 July. In this report questions were raised on the excise policy implemented last year. It was alleged in the report that the new policy violated the Delhi Excise Act and Delhi Excise Rules. Apart from this, it is alleged that the government has suffered a loss of Rs 144 crore due to waiving off the license fee of liquor sellers and Deputy CM Manish Sisodia as Excise Minister has ignored these provisions.
Going against the excise policy, contracts for selling liquor were given to the liquor producer company, while the liquor manufacturer and supplier company cannot be given contracts to sell liquor, 30 crore rupees were returned to a liquor contractor after not getting a liquor shop, Whereas according to the rules, this amount should have gone to the treasury of the government.
CM Kejriwal said on Raid
On the other hand, Kejriwal’s reaction has also come to the fore on this raid. He tweeted, ‘The day when the Delhi education model was praised and Manish Sisodia’s picture printed on the front page of America’s largest newspaper NYT, on the same day the center sent CBI to Manish’s house, welcome to CBI. Will cooperate fully. There have been many tests/raids in the past as well. Nothing came out. Still nothing will come out.
जिस दिन अमेरिका के सबसे बड़े अख़बार NYT के फ़्रंट पेज पर दिल्ली शिक्षा मॉडल की तारीफ़ और मनीष सिसोदिया की तस्वीर छपी, उसी दिन मनीष के घर केंद्र ने CBI भेजी
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) August 19, 2022
CBI का स्वागत है। पूरा cooperate करेंगे। पहले भी कई जाँच/रेड हुईं। कुछ नहीं निकला। अब भी कुछ नहीं निकलेगा
He said in another tweet that the whole world is discussing Delhi’s education and health model. They want to stop this. That is why raids and arrests on Delhi’s health and education ministers, whoever tried to do good work in 75 years were stopped. That is why India was left behind and will not let the good works of Delhi stop.