Timings of a dozen trains running from Dehradun have changed
Rail passengers please take note. The timings of 16 trains going to and from Dehradun have changed from October 1. These include nine trains going from Doon and 7 coming from Doon. There is a difference of 5 to 15 minutes in the timing of these trains. Station Superintendent Ravindra Kumar said that the new timetable will be implemented from Saturday.
The timing of these trains going from Doon has changed, in which nine trains going from Dehradun have changed, in which Raptiganga going to Muzaffarpur and Gorakhpur earlier used to leave at 3:20 pm, which will now go to 3:15 pm. The Naini-Doon Jan Shatabdi going from Dehradun to Kathgodam will now leave at 3:55 pm instead of 3.45 pm. Shatabdi going to Delhi is now at 4:55 pm instead of five in the evening, Janta X going to Varanasi. It will go at 6.30 pm instead of 6.15 pm. Delhi-bound Musri X. It will now open at 9.25 pm instead of 9.20 pm.
These trains will come from the new timetable
Out of the seven trains coming to Doon, the Nanda Devi Express coming from Kota used to arrive at 5:40 am earlier, which will now arrive at 5:45 am. The people coming from Varanasi earlier used to come at 6.30 am in the morning, now they will come at 6.25 am. Raptiganga will arrive at 2.05 pm instead of 2 pm earlier.