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Uttarakhand : Dr. R. Rajesh Kumar said in Saras Fair – The objective of National Health Mission is to provide better health services in the state

In Saras Mela 2022, under the first session of today’s ‘Social Awareness Program’, organized by the District Administration, Rural Development Department, in coordination with ‘Your Business Solutions’, Dehradun, under the “Social Awareness Program”, Atal Utkrisht Government Inter College Barotiwala Vikasnagar, Guru Nanak The children of Girls Khurbuda, Doon Nursing and Doon Medical College performed “T.B. Participated in the painting competition on the topics “Free Uttarakhand” “Prevention from Dengue” “Eye donation – Paramount donation” “Smoking – Tobacco injurious to health”.

At the same time, at 3 pm, in the program, ‘Social Awareness Program’ was the chief guest and guest speaker, Health Secretary / Secretary Medical Education / MD-NHM, Dr. R. Rajesh Kumar and Director N. hm – Dr. Saroj Naithani, Principal Doon Medical College, Dehradun, who was welcomed by the founder of Business Solutions – Dr. Kanchan Negi, by presenting flowers and shawls, after which Dr.Rajesh Kumar felicitated the children about various schemes run by the Health Department. given information about.

He said, “In order to increase awareness about mental health, 10th October is celebrated as Mental Health Day all over the world and today through the ‘Social Awareness Program’ of Saras Mela, all the listeners act as “Health Ambassadors”. And make the schemes run by the health department reach as many people as possible. He also appreciated about ‘Social Awareness Programme’. The main objective of the National Health Mission Uttarakhand is to provide better quality of health care to the poor, women and children and to provide better health services to the general public, especially those living in rural areas of Uttarakhand. Taking the dialogue forward, he said that with the inspiration of Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi and under the able leadership of the Government of Uttarakhand, Atal Ayushman Yojana has proved to be a boon. Atal Ayushman Yojana is proving effective in the direction of providing free health security to all in the state as well as providing cashless medical treatment.

In his address, he said that the emergency 108 ambulance service for patients is doing commendable work in the mountainous disparities of Uttarakhand and the government has added 272 new ambulances to the 108 service fleet to make 108 service comprehensive and accessible. Apart from this, 217 Basic Life Support Ambulances, 54 Advanced Life Support Ambulances and one Boat Support Ambulance are also functional. This special ambulance service can be availed by calling 108 and to improve the health services run by the state government, the government has started an integrated helpline service 104. With this service, any citizen can get complaints, suggestions or information related to health services as well as health related advice. Like 108 it is also a free toll free service.

Not only this, in coordination with the Government of India and the Government of Uttarakhand, the public is getting the benefit of the service of e-Sanjeevani. Through this app, patients suffering from any disease can get free consultation from specialist/doctors sitting at home. Under e-Sanjeevani, patients from remote hill areas are now getting free consultation from specialist doctors of AIIMS Rishikesh, Doon Medical College-Dehradun, Government Medical College Haldwani, Srinagar Medill College, all urban primary health center hubs, 13 district hospital hubs and NHM hubs. is being received.

During the discussion, Dr. R. Rajesh Kumar said that India is the country most affected by TB disease in the world. Therefore, this campaign of public participation has its own importance for eradication of TB. The objective of National Tuberculosis Eradication is to make tuberculosis patients disease free. Therefore, the target year 2025 has been set by the Government of India for a crop-free India. Recently, the President of India also launched the Nikshay 2.0 campaign for eradication of tuberculosis. Under this campaign, India has to be free from TB disease by the year 2025. For this, efforts are being made by the Uttarakhand government to achieve this target by the year 2024. Tuberculosis test, treatment and medicine are available free of cost under the programme. It is the effort of the Government of India and the Government of Uttarakhand to ensure the participation of the general public in the form of Nikshay Mitras, so that a big change can be brought about by eliminating the stigma of TB disease in the society.

On the other hand, Dr. Saroj Naithani, Director, NHM, while addressing the children, said that major works like making Atal Ayushman Golden Card are being done by the Health Department, under the Jan Arogya Abhiyan, the community health officer is doing cataracts of the general public, Screening is being done for TB disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer etc. To prevent deadly disease like AIDS, Uttarakhand State AIDS Control Committee is being operated under the Health Department. The purpose of this program is to prevent and control HIV AIDS in the state. Under this, treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and ensuring the availability of safe and high quality blood in the entire Uttarakhand, providing condoms for the prevention of RTI, STI and HIV AIDS, making common people aware of HIV AIDS. At the end of the discussion, he also gave information about spiritual health, and children were also shown short films related to it.

At the same time, the Principal of Doon Medical College, Dr. Sayana ji, T.B. Mukt Uttarakhand, Dengue prevention and Eye donation – Paramount donation and Smoking – Tobacco – Injurious to health, shared his views and in the end, Dr. Kanchan Negi, Research and Development expert said that to maintain good health, we should do regular physical Exercise, yoga, meditation, balanced diet, good thoughts, cleanliness, personal hygiene, regular medical check-up, adequate amount of sleep and rest are required and we all should take full care of our health at our level, according to the program In the end, Dr. Kanchan Negi thanked Dr. R. Rajesh Kumar, Dr. Saroj Naithani and Dr. Sayana by presenting them mementoes.