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Jharkhand : Railway notice to Hanuman Bhagwan! Said to vacate the land in 10 days

In the Bollywood film ‘OMG – Oh My God’, it is shown how Kanji Bhai blames God and files a court case against him when his shop is destroyed due to earthquake. Notice is also issued to God from the court. A similar case has come to the fore in Dhanbad, Jharkhand. Here the railway has sent a notice to Hanumanji to vacate the land. It has also been said that if the land is not vacated in 10 days, then legal action will be taken. There is anger among people after the matter came to light. On the other hand, railway officials are not in a position to say anything. Read Full Event

Notice pasted in Hanuman temple, 10 days deferment

According to the information, some people have occupied the railway land in Dhanbad for years. The case is of Khatik Mohalla, adjacent to the useless dam railway colony of Dhanbad. Here 27 houses have been built illegally. The Engineering Department of Railways has started a campaign against them. The notice to vacate the land has been pasted on the wall of all the 27 houses. During this notice was also pasted in the Hanuman temple of the locality. The notice pasted in the Hanuman temple reads, ‘You are informed that you have illegally occupied railway land, which is an offence. You are directed to vacate the above railway land and hand it over to the Senior Section Engineer-One within 10 days of receipt of the letter, otherwise legal action will be taken against you. Consider it urgent.

After the matter came to light, there is anger among the people of Khatik locality. People say that they have been living on railway land for years. Notices are being issued to harass them. At the same time, there is a boil over pasting the notice on the Hanuman temple. People say that there are places of other religions on railway land too, but the notice is being issued only for this temple.