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Uttarakhand / Almora : Father clashed with leopard to save son’s life, leopard ran away after seeing father’s courage

The terror of leopard is not taking its name to stop. A 14-year-old child was attacked by a leopard in the courtyard of the house in Almora. The father saved the son’s life by playing on his life. The injured child was sent home after being given first aid in the hospital. The father has also suffered a lot in the leopard attack. There is anger among the villagers on the terror of leopard in the residential area. The villagers have demanded the forest department to get rid of the leopard terror at the earliest. At around 4 pm on Tuesday evening, 14-year-old son of Paan Singh Bagdwal, Anand Singh Bagdwal, went to the toilet in the courtyard of his house in village Ranau of Lamgada block. A leopard was sitting in the nearby field. Seeing the opportunity, the leopard attacked Anand. He was pawed in his arms, back, legs. During this, the father read the race to save Paan Singh, he also got a lot of injuries. He saved his son’s life by playing on his own life.

The leopard fled after the villagers raised an alarm. The relatives reached the community health center Lamgda with Anand in injured condition. He had deep wounds on his back from the claws of the leopard. Dr. Nemichandra Meena did the treatment. He told that internal injuries have occurred due to the leopard’s claws and the child falling on the body. Block chief Vikram Bagadwal also reached the hospital. The forest department was also informed about the matter. Forest Officer Anand Ballabh Pathak said that information was taken on the spot. For now the baby is fine.