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Supreme Court made a big comment about divorce – ‘marriage today and divorce tomorrow’, it will not work anymore

The Supreme Court has made a big comment regarding the divorce case. The court has said that “marriage in India is not an accidental event. We have not reached these western standards of ‘marriage today and talaq tomorrow’. Therefore, when the wife wants the marriage to continue in the marriage, then the court will not use its powers under Article 142 to dissolve the marriage on the petition of the husband. The consent of both will be necessary for divorce. The petition of the husband in the Supreme Court in which there was a demand to annul the marriage. refused to hear that petition. A bench of Justices Sanjay K Kaul and Abhay S Oka of the court sent the husband and wife to a private arbitrator. The court said that this marriage lasted only for 40 days. The court had said that the couple should try to resolve their differences.

Husband wanted to divorce his wife

This couple who filed the petition is highly qualified. While the husband runs an NGO in the United Nations, the wife does PR work in Canada. During the hearing, the husband repeatedly pleaded with the court to annul the marriage. The wife said during this time that she left everything in Canada for this marriage.

Both husband and wife have to try to save the marriage

The Court observed that “the powers under Article 142 can be exercised only if both the parties to the marriage are parting ways by amicable agreement. The husband said that no one has tried from either side to save the marriage. To this, the bench reminded him that the woman had left her job from Canada to marry him.

40 days is not enough to understand both

The court said that only 40 days of marriage is not enough to understand each other and for a successful marriage both husband and wife have to make efforts together. It does not happen that it cannot be done that first got married, then after a few days got out of marriage. The bench appointed former Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court S J Vazifdar as mediator to hear the matter and gave him liberty to seek the help of marriage counsellor. Also, a report has been sought from the arbitrator in three months.