Rajasthan : Birth of a unique child with 4 eyes, 8 legs and 2 mouths! crowd gathered to see

The birth of a unique child in Dausa district of Rajasthan blew the senses of the people. Suddenly a huge crowd of people gathered to see this. However, the child did not survive for long. Due to the change in health a few hours after birth, breathing stopped after 12 hours. In this case, the doctor said that the chances of survival in such cases are very less. This incident is of Nath Wali Dhani of Gijgarh in Sikrai area. Where a buffalo gave birth to a unique child with eight legs, two mouths and four eyes. This is the incident of 16 October. The same day the news spread like fire in the entire area. After which a huge crowd of people gathered to see. Dr. Hiralal Bairwa, the nodal officer of the Animal Husbandry Department, said that the process of birth of this type of embryo in animals is called ‘dystokia’. This dystocia was very critical but the doctor showed promptness with full alertness to remove 2 embryos from the womb of the buffalo just 10 minutes. It was a matter of relief that both the fetuses came out alive. This is probably the first case in Gijgarh area. While other similar cases have come to the fore.
Only lived for 12 hours
According to the doctors, in such cases, whether the child of a buffalo or a child born from the womb of a woman. The chance of survival is less than 95 percent. Let us tell you that a similar case had come to the fore in Karauli a few months back in Rajasthan. A buffalo had given birth to a strange child. That buffalo child also had two mouths, 4 eyes and 4 horns. At the same time, this matter has come to the fore in Dausa.