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Attention Dove and Tresemme Shampoo pose a risk of cancer! Unilever recalled products

Unilever Plc has recalled products from popular brands of Aerosol Dry Shampoo including Dove. The reason behind taking this step is the presence of a harmful chemical in these products. Actually, the recalled products contain a chemical called benzene which can cause cancer. According to a notice posted on the Food and Drug Administration’s website Friday, the recall also includes brands such as Nexus, Suave, Tresemme and Tiggy, which make Rockaholic and Bed Head dry shampoos.

This lab detected

Unilever’s recall pertains to products manufactured before October 2021. This move once again raises questions about the safety of aerosols in personal care products. Over the past year and a half, a number of aerosol sunscreens have emerged, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Neutrogena, Edgewell Personal Care Company’s Banana Boat and Beersdorf AG’s Coppertone, as well as spray-on antiperspirants such as Procter & Gamble Company. Starting in May 2021, an analytical lab named Valisure located in New Haven, Connecticut detected benzene in these and this step was taken after that.

It’s not the first time

This isn’t the first time spray-on dry shampoo has been a problem. P&G tested its entire portfolio of aerosol products following Valisure’s findings. The company withdrew its Pantene and Herbal Essence dry shampoos in December, citing benzene contamination.

The biggest problem is with those products which are used by spraying from cans. Such was the case with the dry shampoo recall, according to Unilever. The company has not released the amount of benzene content found in the products, and has said that the products have been withdrawn as a precaution.

Is benzene dangerous

The Food and Drug Administration says that in testing recalled products, the levels of benzene found in them are not expected to cause illness from daily exposure. However, the agency also said that frequent exposure to benzene can lead to leukemia and other blood cancers.

While the FDA hasn’t set benzene limits for cosmetics like dry shampoo, they do say that the products should contain “no toxic or harmful substances.”