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Truth and Reality

Uttarakhand became energy state only in claims, promises and speeches, dream not fulfilled even in 22 years

At the time of establishment of the state, the dream of creating an energy state by the policy regulators by showing the dream of generating hydroelectric power from the rivers of Uttarakhand is still incomplete. Even today the houses of Uttarakhand are being illuminated by the expensive electricity purchased from other states. Uttarakhand needs its share of power from large hydroelectric projects, while the rest of the projects face the difficulties of meeting environmental challenges. However, the energy state is still a dream. Uttarakhand Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited (UJVNL) has been formed to set up power projects in the state. All the projects of UJVNL generate power from 500 to 1300 MW. Whereas this year the demand for electricity has reached a record level of 2600 MW. The reality in the state is that even today, UPCL has to buy electricity from the market at expensive prices to light up the houses in the state.

Dream of hydropower projects unfulfilled

The dream of generating maximum power by setting up hydroelectric projects on rivers in the state has been dreamed, but it remains incomplete. There are 24 big projects which have been put on hold by the Supreme Court due to environmental objections. Some power generation is likely to increase after these projects are built.

Legal right to share, not even a single penny was received

THDC India Limited is a joint venture of the Center in Tehri with 75 per cent and UP holding 25 per cent. The state government argues that according to section 47(3) of the Uttar Pradesh Reorganization Act 2000, the state in which the asset will be there, that state will also be entitled to it. Based on the capital investment made in the company up to the date of bifurcation from Uttar Pradesh, it should be transferred to Uttarakhand, as it is headquartered in Uttarakhand, but the state has not received a single penny from the project.

Solar energy too far-fetched

Governments have made big claims for solar energy to meet the energy needs of the state, but its power generation is still far-fetched. The situation is that only 30 percent of the projects have been allocated against the target of Mukhyamantri Saur Swarozgar Yojana. The energy saving target of UPCL’s solar power project is also far behind.

Ongoing construction of these projects of UJVNL

Lakhwad – 300 MW
Pala Maneri – 480 MW
Bhairon Ghati – 381 MW
Bawla Nandprayag – 300 MW
Nandprayag Langasu – 100 MW
Tamak Lata – 280 MW
Sarkari Bhayol – 120 MW
Sela Pithoragarh – 230 MW
Taluka Sankari – 140 MW
Rishiganga-1 – 70 MW
Rishiganga-2- 35 MW
Madhameshwar – 15 MW