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Uttar Pradesh / Ghaziabad: 12 year old child turned out to be a murderer, killed an elderly couple in greed of money!

A surprising incident has come to light in Ghaziabad, UP. Here a 12-year-old child conspired to kill an elderly couple in greed of money. After this, the minor fearlessly carried out the crime along with his companions. The police have caught the minor as well as his accomplices, while one of the accused is still absconding. Police say that action is being taken against the accused by registering a case. An elderly couple was murdered on the night of December 21 last in Tronica City police station area of ​​Loni, Ghaziabad. In this case, the police disclosed that the planning to kill the elderly couple was hatched by a 12-year-old child. The minor had executed this sensational incident of double murder in the greed of money. The police have detained two of his other accomplices, including a child accused. One of his associates is still out of the grip of the police. The elderly couple Ibrahim and his wife Hajra were murdered in the late night of December 21 in Tronica City area. The dead bodies of both were found in their own house. Both were strangled to death, along with the incident of looting in the house was also carried out. After this incident, the police was investigating the matter. Meanwhile, on getting a clue, the police have detained three accused related to the incident, including a 12-year-old child. Police say that the minor had conspired to kill the couple.

Seeing the money with the old man, the minor got greedy

Actually, the deceased couple Ibrahim and Hajra used to do scrap work. The 12-year-old girl who conspired to kill him also used to come to him to sell junk. A day before the incident, the minor saw that the elderly couple had sold a large amount of junk. He felt that the old couple might have kept a hefty amount. After this, he along with his 3 other companions planned the murder. DCP Rural Iraj Raja said that on the day of the incident, the 12-year-old boy and his three other companions had reached the house of the elderly couple. The minor accused got the gate opened by saying that he was selling junk. The old lady opened the door.

The minor, along with his companions, strangulated the elderly couple to death

After this, all four strangulated him to death, then strangulated the old man to death. After killing both of them, the accused looted about 50 thousand rupees from the house and the mobile, a silver chain of the deceased couple. When the relatives of the elderly couple went and saw in the morning, they informed the police about the matter. Since then the police was looking for the killers. The police have arrested the 12-year-old accused involved in the murder as well as his two other accused. Another accused is absconding. Mobile and silver chain looted after killing the couple have been recovered from the arrested accused.